Betting on Change: A Gambling Addict’s Story of Recovery

Gambling Addiction

Hey, fellow gamers! We’ll talk about gambling addiction today.

Today’s article is pretty unusual, but this real story about a gambling addict I know personally may help you solve a similar problem or prevent it.

About a few months ago, I came across an unusual forum post from a person asking for strategies on how to overcome gambling addiction. I won’t share the real name out of confidentiality reasons.

I contacted Alex personally trying to offer him guidance. I may not be a certified expert in solving such issues, but my years of experience in the industry allowed me to reach out to him at least as a friend, and redirect him to professional help.

Read on to find out what happened to Alex and whether he managed to break the cycle.

Caught in the System: How Gambling Addiction Begins

Alex is a middle-aged man who was working back then in an office building downtown, you know, the classic 9 – 5 work system. At work, he could easily slip unnoticed through corridors. As a matter of fact, he was single. His weekdays were all the same – spreadsheets and coffee breaks, while weekends were no different – running errands.

It’s not the first time he heard about casino games, he used to play them when in college, but randomly – no addiction involved. That’s how he remembered the good old days one Saturday night and decided to give it a spin or two as timepass. It started with slots and quickly reached other games as well. The following week he found himself playing endlessly, even during breaks at work or work hours. It escalated quickly into something more than casual gaming.

What was first adrenaline from beginner wins turned into chasing losses, spending more money on losing sessions, and finally addiction. Trying to escape reality, he got caught up in a really dangerous system.

As his addiction went deeper, he started having problems at work, financial troubles, and even more social insecurities. Losing his job was not a stop. But when he depleted all his savings, it was like a call to reality. That’s how he ended up on the same forum seeking coping strategies.

Facing the Truth: Handling Gambling Addiction Step-by-Step

One evening, I came across an interesting post on a forum, I don’t even remember which platform. What had me in the first place was that Alex’s post was very direct, with no shame involved, saying something about losing all his savings, ending up in debt, and having no job. He was desperately looking for help. It wasn’t every day you came across such posts.

As someone who spent years in the industry, I’ve seen how easy it is for the thrill of landing a win to lead to something uncontrollable. Not that I’m an expert in responsible gambling, but I do know a thing or two, and that’s how I reached out personally.

The first thing I did was tell him that admitting addiction is the first and most essential step, which he obviously did and was brave for doing so. Next, I shared with him a few steps that would help him rationalize the problem and eventually solve it.

Here it goes:

#1 Understanding Gambling Addiction

In plain words, gambling addiction is when someone feels the uncontrollable urge to play and gamble, even if it affects all aspects of their life. Imagine being stuck in a cycle where you bet and lose, bet and lose time after time, hoping to chase a big win. It usually means spending more than you can afford, lying to your family, keeping gambling to avoid stress, and risking everything from relationships to work.

#2 Accepting the Truth

Acknowledging the problem is actually the first step. Once you understand that you have a problem, you can start looking for ways to solve it. Denial is something common in this cycle of addiction. Accepting the truth as it is opens the door to seeking professional help.

#3 Finding Triggers and Eliminating Them

A good start is eliminating everything that leads to this dangerous habit. Thinking of situations, environments, or emotions that could possibly trigger such an addictive problem is essential. It can be financial problems, loneliness, or even stress. You solve the problem from the core, and the rest will follow suit. You can either determine clear strategies to cope with them or request professional help to learn how to avoid such problems.

#4 Seeking Professional Help

If you go as far as losing your job, ending up in debt, and fighting with your family or friends over your addiction, you mandatorily need to seek professional help. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Acknowledging your problem and seeking help is pretty courageous. It means you take responsibility for what you’ve done and you want to change.

When engaging with healthcare professionals, you can benefit from a personalized approach with recovery strategies. Don’t worry too much about it because experts know what they’re doing. They will help you identify your triggers, solve them, and eventually end the vicious cycle of gambling. Your only job is to seek help. Professionals can go as deep as solving the underlying anxiety.

#5 Using Self-Exclusion Tools

Say you cannot give up on gambling right from the start, but what you can do is use the special tools provided by casinos such as win and loss limits or self-exclusion tools. This way, you’ll consciously ban yourself from gambling before getting caught up again in the system. Also, try limiting access to your credit card to reduce any temptation.

#6 Replacing Gambling

Try developing healthy mechanisms to cope with gambling that would have a positive effect on you, provide that feeling of fulfillment, and reduce stress. Just look for a new hobby – reading, physical exercises, or social activities involving other people unless you’re an introvert. This way, you’ll direct all your attention to another occupation.

#7 Realistic Expectations and Milestones

Begin with setting realistic goals of what you want to achieve over a specific period and celebrate every small change. Don’t get upset by setbacks; they’re normal to happen. Instead, develop a new plan on how to handle them when you’re all by yourself. You can ask the same expert to help you with this.

No matter what, recognize the smallest progress, and the boost of motivation will make you go on. It’s more about the state of mind.

#8 Supportive Environment

Surrounding yourself with the right people changes a lot. It can be your family, friends, or every person from your life that you interact with. Make sure you’re surrounded by those who understand your struggle and help you take all the steps even when you fall. It can always be the same expert who is helping you.

#9 Joining Support Groups

If you have no one to help you with your problem or you want extra measures, you can always join a support group. Connecting with people who understand you provides you with emotional support, let alone the practical advice they can share from their experience. It’s completely anonymous so you can feel free to share your fears and hopes. The sense of belonging won’t let you feel alone with your problem.

#10 Long-Term Changes

Gambling addiction recovery is a process not a one-time solution. If you want to succeed, you have to make significant adjustments along the way that will end up in a new healthy lifestyle. Don’t stop using coping strategies, being aware of your addiction, and seeking help if you feel like it.

Another good idea is to start addressing underlying anxieties and depression if there are any. Your healthcare expert can help you with this. Either way, gambling addiction goes hand in hand with such problems, which is nothing to be ashamed of. The sooner you solve them, the better. By improving your well-being, you’ll reduce the risk of falling again into the trap.

Is It Possible to Overcome Gambling Addiction?

Back to our friend Alex. I reached out to him and found out that he sought professional help and is currently undergoing a recovery. He also said that acknowledging the problem is the most important thing, the rest comes step by step. That’s why I decided to share this with you because you never know how a few words said at the right time can change someone who struggles and make them look at things from a new perspective.

If you find yourself in a position similar to Alex’s, start with self-awareness and willingness to change. Let professional help take over, and stay committed to the process, not the result. Get prepared with patience and expect a few obstacles from time to time, but you’ll always be one step ahead because you’ve already decided to change. Remember that seeking professional help is courageous. If you have determination, support (even from the expert you work with), and the right tools at hand, freedom from gambling addiction is more than possible.

On that note, my friends, gamble responsibly or seek help as soon as you notice an addictive behavior.

Gambling Addiction Tools & Resources in Canada: Responsible Gambling, Gambling Therapy, GamTalk, RecoverMe App (for Apple).

Toll-Free Gambling Help Phone Numbers

  • Alberta Problem Gambling Resources Network 1-866-461-1259
  • British Columbia Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111
  • Quebec Gambling: Help and Referral 1-800-461-0140
  • Manitoba Addictions Help Line – Problem Gambling 1-800-463-1554
  • Newfoundland Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-899-4357
  • New Brunswick Gambling Information Line 1-800-461-1234
  • Northwest Territories General Help Line 1-800-661-0844
  • Nova Scotia’s Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line 1-888-429-8167
  • Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line 1-800-265-3333
  • Ontario ConnexOntario Help Line 1-866-531-2600
  • Prince Edward Island Problem Gambling Help Line 1-855-255-4255
  • Saskatchewan Problem Gambling Helpline 1-800-306-6789
  • Yukon Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services 1-866-456-3838


Mary Henderson